The Search for Hidden Treasure
The Sapphire Review Vol. 1 | No. 30 • September 06, 2024
Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, And liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, And searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.
A treasure that is hidden is one that is not found without any effort on the part of the seeker. Before a person puts any real effort into searching for a hidden precious metal (such as gold or silver) they first must have some degree of confidence in the existence of such a treasure in the area where they are to search.
In the 1840s and 1850s what is known as the “Gold Rush” started in California. During this time, the population of California surged. Gold had been discovered nestled throughout California’s terrain. People flocked from all over in hopes of becoming wealthy through their own discovery of this hidden treasure. One article describes the mindset of the people as follows:1
“Throughout 1849, people around the United States (mostly men) with gold fever borrowed money, mortgaged their property or spent their life savings to make the arduous journey to California. In pursuit of the kind of wealth they had never dreamed of, they left their families and hometowns. In turn, women left behind took on new responsibilities such as running farms or businesses and caring for their children alone.
Thousands of would-be gold miners, known as 49ers for the year they arrived, traveled overland across the mountains or by sea, sailing to Panama or even around Cape Horn, the southernmost point of South America.”
So here we have a picture of thousands of men, who at significant risk, gave up their families, occupations, and properties for a hope of obtaining a greater measure of worldly wealth. What sacrifices these men made for something with no eternal value! Lacking the love of God, with zeal and enthusiasm they pursued the desires of their hearts, money.2 Sadly, in the end, most ended their lives without gaining any of the wealth they had hoped to obtain.3 The greatest loss of all was not simply that of earthly means, but rather the eternal losses that occurred while in pursuit of this foolish endeavor.4
Jesus says that where a person’s treasure is, there will their hearts be also.5 The question of where the devotion of a person’s heart is to be found can be seen through their lives and where the “treasures” of their finances, spare time, and labors are most earnestly concentrated. In the case above, we see men whose treasure was clearly focused upon the things of the world.
Jesus provides us with a parable that is similar in a way to the California Gold Rush but pertaining to a man who’s treasure and heart are of a different kind. Like many in the Gold Rush, here we find a man that also gave up everything for a treasure.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” (Matt 13:44)
Through the pages of the Bible, God has left us with a giant field that is full of hidden treasures:
Treasures of the gospel
Treasures of Jesus Christ
Treasures of the nature and character of God
Treasures of truth that stand in opposition to Satan’s web of lies and deceptions
Treasures of encouragement and wisdom for all of life’s circumstances
Treasures of God’s protection, provision, and providence
Treasure upon treasure is waiting upon the pages of God’s Word to satisfy the longing of the thirsty soul. Unlike the experiences of those who participated in the California Gold Rush, the treasures in God’s Word are not overstated and all who seek Him for these treasures will not be left in lack.
As we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.6 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.7 Those who seek diligently will find.8
We know that these treasures exist and that they are certainly able to be found by every earnest seeker. However, we must also know the treasures are of the spiritual kind. This means that we must have the help of God’s spirit for our eyes to be opened to see and discern these truths.9 As it was in Jesus’ day, so it continues in ours: the proud minds of the “wise” scholars (and those who follow them) are often blind or unwilling to accept to the simple truths of the Bible that a humble servant of Jesus sees with great clarity.10
Some treasures of spiritual truth lie just below the surface and are found with less effort. However, other truths are deep and will only be found through much study, prayer, and consideration. So vast are the treasures that come from the infinite mind of God that one could spend an eternity mining them and never reach the end of the supply.11
The final point of consideration we must ask ourselves is what do we do with this knowledge of there being hidden treasures in God’s Word. Keeping the worldly example of the California gold seekers in mind, do we apply ourselves with the same zeal and enthusiasm that these men did for worthless worldly treasure? Do we earnestly and diligently seek for understanding? Do we delight in the reading of His Word and fill our hearts with it at every opportunity? The measure of spare time that God has allotted to each person will vary, but how we do utilize the measure that has been given to us? What occupies the hours of our lives that are not spent upon matters of necessity?
Do we read in search for treasure, and do we treasure what we read? Or is that which we treasure found amongst the earthly? Treasure never falls from the sky into the lap of a sluggard, but rather it is found by the hand of the diligent.
May our diligence in spiritual matters never be overshadowed by the measure of diligence we apply to earthly matters. It is God who opens a person’s eyes and understanding to spiritual truths. Every time we read God’s Word, we should be desiring of Him to lead us to the hidden treasures of truth. Let every such reading be done with humility and begin with a prayer asking God for the precious gift of eyes that see. Eyes that we will never obtain through any education, research, planning, or effort of our own.
God Bless,
Thank you brother Charles. What a wonderful timeless lesson from scripture! Yet another significant human event that occurred in the mid 19th century. Since coming to know about the founding of Adventism and the pioneers, I have been astounded by the amount of critical changes to human civilization during the time of God's revelation to sister White. Marxism, Darwin's theory of evolution, twisted cosmology and major heresies including end times prophecy (Just to name a few). God bless you brother
I love Matthew 13:44-46, and it motivates me daily on my quest for finding the hidden treasures of God. Thanks for this article.
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."