In the Beginning…
God, the Father, created the heaven and the earth in six evenings and mornings (days),1 through His Son, Jesus Christ.2
The Firmament
On the 2nd day of the creation, God made the firmament3 amid the waters called the deep,4 to divide the waters below it5 from the waters above it.6
Waters Above and Below
The waters below the firmament are the seas, whereas the divine dwelling7 is established in the heaven of heavens8 upon the waters above the firmament,9 hence the heaven is Jehovah’s throne10 and the earth His footstool.11
An Enclosed System
It was only after God parted the waters of the deep and set the firmament in the midst of them that He began to fill the heaven and the earth. During the succeeding four days, this work was carried out within the enclosure of the open firmament of Heaven (where the birds fly) and upon the dry-land called Earth, for then our world had become an enclosed system.12
Sun Moves, Earth is Stationary
On the 4th day, God then made the lights (the sun, moon, and stars) and set them inside the firmament of the heaven. He ordained them to give light upon the earth and to generate the days, nights, seasons, and years. The celestial bodies, including the sun, move and circuit the heavens13 whereas the earth is stationary and immovable.14
The Face of the Earth
The earth has a face,15 which is circular16 and divided into four corners (quarters).17
Foundations, Pillars, and Fountains
It is built upon a foundation18 that rests upon pillars,19 and has fountains20 springing up from the great deep21 below them.
God Holds Back the Waters
The earth has ends,22 and God holds back the waters that they should not pass His commandment, for they are bound by an edge.23
A Molten Looking Glass
The firmament of heaven, which has windows,24 also rests upon pillars25 and foundations.26 It’s as a molten looking glass27 that is stretched out as a curtain, and spread out as a tent to dwell in.28
As a Sapphire Stone
It is further described as having the appearance of a sapphire stone.29
Research Biblical Cosmology
For more information on the subject of Biblical Cosmology, check out What is Biblical Cosmology? (short video) by Earthen Vessels, The Cosmology Conflict (book) by Chris Sparks, or visit our website at
Thanks for reading, and God bless!
Beautifully explained!
Knowing the Fathers creation will bring you closer to the Father and His Only Begotten Son Jesus!